When a shy young girl gets overheard singing from one of her favorite bands members she's thrown for a loop. She's really closed up and doesn't talk much to anyone. Her only friend in the whole world is her best friend Camilla who's more like a sister to her. All her life she's been cursed with terrible stage fright and other issues that prevent her from going for her dreams. She hates having these barriers and has tried to over come them for years but has had no luck yet. Will she ever break the terrible curse ? Will meeting her favorite band give her the courage to try new things and live life to the fullest ? Or will she go back to being the shy timid wallflower everyone thinks she is ? Will she become friends with the band or maybe more ? ;) So this is a fanfiction idea I had written down on my personal account and decided to transfer over hear for you guys to read if you want. I'm not going to post anything more on here before I post the first chapter of My Lucky Day which you guys should also check out. I hope you guys like this. Anyway short and sweet like authors note. Byah ! ~Kristine~All Rights Reserved