This is a short story inspired by a challenge I found on deviantart. The challenge was created by a user named stranglerfig and it said basically to pick a song and listen to it over and over until you have a scene in your head and then write about it, I picked Jealous by Labrinth and this is what I saw/wrote. Also, this is a working cover I will probably change it, if you are an artist and have an idea for it let me know. :) Oh and this is pretty standard... - YOU MAY NOT COPY, USE,EDIT,REPOST, SUBMIT THIS TO ANY WEBSITE, OR DO ANYTHING WITH THIS PIECE OF WRITING WITHOUT ASKING ME FIRST! IT IS COPYRIGHTED AND AGAINST THE LAW TO STEAL THIS WORK OF FICTION FROM ME YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED AND I WILL NOT HESITATE TO PROSECUTE ANYONE WHO DOES NOT ABIDE BY THESE TERMS.-