Diana is just a regular girl, dealing with a depression. Her sister died in front of her, and she blames herself. Just because there was a little chance that if she would've called the ambulance a few minutes earlier, she was still alive. Also her, in her eyes, perfect ex-boyfriend hates her, he blames her too.
Niall is just a normal boy, living a perfect life. He doesn't think someone can change that. But then he does a project with a girl in his class, Miley. She's got a friend, Diana. A girl who doesn't say much. He hasn't paid much attention to her before, but in her eyes he can see the pain. He slowly falls in love with her, but she doesn't even know him.
Will he be able to help her? Can he save her life or will he only make it worse?
*AU stands for Alternative Universe which means 1D doesn't exist as 1D, but they're just regular boys*
Het is mijn schuld. Had ik naar mijn zusje omgekeken was er niets gebeurd. Dan leefde ze misschien nog....
⚠️ TIW:
- zelfmoord
- Donkere gedachten/ depressie
- Self Harm
- Eetstoornis
- Zelfmoordgedachten
Het verhaal speelt af in casa del huts maar we zitten wel in de nu tijd zeg maar dus ze hebben wel 1 miljoen abonnees enzo