This is the story of a journey that will touch peoples hearts, make them laugh and cry, and best of all, be enjoyed by many.
The Pokemon Journey is a story written by a 13-year old who just so happens to have a passion for writing. She wants to be zoologist, but writing stories is her escape from the problems of the real world - it is a therapy.
Apart from writing and animal science, the author likes pokemon, which is the inspriation for this story. Pokemon has been around for 21 years, and still continues to be a global sensation. The new app, Pokemon Go, has taken Earth by storm, and even though it has had it's ups and downs, it is still a great idea.
Back to the story, this is a story about a 13 year old girl named Lily and her two 11 year old friends, Tom and Matthew. Their dream is to be Pokemon Masters. It may seem a long way away, but their determination will not stop them. However, the power of the Legendary pokemon have taken over Kanto - in a bad way. Lily, Matthew and Tom are the only ones to stop them. Will they return the Legendaries to their normal selves? Will they ever become Pokemon Masters?
Find out in The Pokemon Journey
Matthew's POV: @Greninja94
Un adolescente sordo de 13 años que vive en el siglo XXI se encontró repentinamente como un niño en Japón a principios del siglo XX. Con dos guerras mundiales, dos bombas nucleares, Hitler y muchos otros desastres esperando su futuro, pensó que las cosas no podían empeorar.
Excepto que lo hicieron.
Más tarde descubrió que en realidad se había reencarnado en el mundo de Demon Slayer, donde los demonios devoradores de hombres gobernaban la noche. Pensó que las cosas no podían empeorar.
Excepto que lo hicieron.
¡Pero bueno! Al menos tenía un talento incomparable, ojos increíblemente especiales y conocimiento del futuro.
¿Cómo cambiará la historia de Demon Slayer con la incorporación de este personaje único? ¿Morirán tantos si los Hashiras tuvieran un pilar más en la batalla final?
¿O la historia terminará con una nota mucho más feliz?