Set in Burleson, Texas, in 2011, the film centers on a 10-year-old girl named Anna Beam (Kylie Rogers), daughter of Christy Beam (Jennifer Garner). Anna is suffering from a pseudo-obstruction motility disorder and is unable to eat, using feeding tubes for nutrition. Upon checking at the local hospital, they find no signs of illness but say it's "acid reflux" or "lactose intolerance", but Christy is not convinced by this. Hoping to discover what is the cause of her disease, Christy and Anna travel to Boston despite not having an appointment with the pediatric gastroenterologist, Dr. Nurko. When she is subsequently examined at Boston Children's Hospital, evidence of the chronic illness is found. She goes through extensive treatment. During this ordeal, Anna and her mother befriend a local Massachusetts resident named Angela, as well as Ben and his sick daughter, Haley.