28 parts Complete Mature[Creds to @MinderDrone on TWT for cover art! || Some chapters may be short, others extremely long; I wrote drafts in Word during school so there's my excuse]
After the events of the gala, miraculously, Tessa Elliott had survived. The Solver had spared her... for now. The JCJENSON scientists found her trapped in her own home, and thanks to scientific research, was able to safely take her to Copper 9. She spent the rest of her life there with the scientists, informing them of the Solver and its perils. One day, she was sent to another planet to seek out life there, and upon returning to Copper 9, found it in ruin. The planet's core imploded, wiping out all human civilization there.
Tessa was the last one standing.
[Warning: This book may include sensitive content such as: Gore, Violence, Death, Blood, etc. There is also a (spoilers) mention of su!c!de. Reader discretion is advised.]