It was early morning and I was locked in the bathroom again, same view every day. The dirty yellow walls, the black vanity, rusted bathtub. It was a nightmare in here. I always get the usual half a piece of bread to last on all day. I was always so weak and food deprived. This time he left me with no food at all, he tends to do that at least once a week. It was like ice in here, the only thing keeping me warm is a tank top and a pair of pj shorts. He was not going to be back until twelve in the morning, there was no window so I couldn't escape I try the door like I always do and expect it to be locked like it always is I don't know why I even try anymore. I guess it's just the little bit of hope I have left. It caught me by surprise the door wasn't locked. Maybe he forgot to lock it? Maybe he was waiting for me? I didn't care anymore so I just ran...