"Stay out of the shadows."
The greeting that was as frequently said as hello rang throughout her mind as she saw them move.
Why they said it, no one thought much of. Until now.
Out here, on the smooth paved lot, there should only be one shadow, and that one shadow should be her long and lanky one.
But there were more.
Much more.
Lacy Drulle is seeing the shadows. They are calling her. Her normal life is crashing and burning as everything she had ever been taught turns out to be lies, and all the lies turn out to be the truth.
Lacy is finding out more and more about a whimsical world living right along side of ours, a world that is deeply hidden; hidden in the shadows.
Not only is this world in danger, but it is in danger because the world that Lacy has grown up in, this world, is in grave danger as well.
Lacy must make heart wrenching decisions through this action packed adventure, all the while while a haunting realization comes swimming to the surface throughout the course of her shocking adventure.
September 2016
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