Could the writings of the ancient Hebrew prophets be relevant to events taking place in the world today?
These Hebrew prophets – Isaiah, Jeremiah, Habbakuk and the apostle John, in The Revelation – wrote extensively about a latter day city and empire which would dominate, exploit and corrupt all the nations of the world. They referred to it as Babylon the Great, or Mega-Babylon, and they foretold that its fall – 'in one day' – would devastate the economies of the whole world.
Have these prophecies been fulfilled already?
Is Mega-Babylon:
the Roman Catholic Church?
a world super-church?
rebuilt ancient Babylon?
or somewhere entirely different?
Should this city/nation have a large Jewish population?
Why all the talk about merchants, cargoes, commodities, trade?
Can we rely on the words of these ancient prophets?
If so, what else did they foretell that is still to be fulfilled?
Do they refer to other major nations:
What about militant Islam?
Author and radio presenter, Raymond McCullough, examines these questions of biblical prophecy, building his case in a step by step 'construction' approach. He identifies modern day Mega-Babylon, shows us why we can and should rely on the words of these prophets and gives us an overview of their other important prophecies soon to be fulfilled in these last days.