moya koroleva. - My Queen in the Russian language.
Иван [known as Ivan. Pronounced Eevan.]
"He betrayed me. He betrayed the Russo's. Now, i shall take his one and only prize possession. The lady. It isn't like she had a fucking choice to be with him or not. But it's her he wants the most. Now, he shall say goodbye."
Chloë -
"I can't remember how I got here. In this house, in this situation. I am not aware of any family members, or friends. Although, I couldn't deal with them if I had. They wouldn't want to see me tied up, strung like this. Like a modern slave. Passed from man to man. The pain I felt on a daily basis ha disappeared. I feel nothing, nobody. Pills pushed in my mouth, make no change. One day I hope the stash of money I managed to sneak will help me with my escape. If i don't get set free with the angels before, that is."
WARNING; explicit content.Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang