I took up a companion with a friend of mine to see who could write a better romance. I criticized the way she started it a little bit and she gave up. I hope you enjoy and here we get started with the description! :3 "Walking through those doors is probably the easiest thing I'll do today. Every few months it's something new. A new school, Mom has a new job, new druggy boyfriend living with us. Could life get any worse?" But of course, those words are magical. Everything always gets worse. Gwen is just a normal school girl. No vampire fangirl. No fashionista. Not even a nerd. Just a plain awkward teen. Nothing special. For the first time in her life time she actually makes herself a friend. She second guesses herself about if it's a pity friend or if she actually wants to be her friend. That friend helps Gwen on her way to find love in a world that is just full ugly disasters.
8 parts