21 Bagian Lengkap -"Why are you crying?"
What, I didn't know I was crying.
-"Come on." He offers a hand to help me up.
-"Stay away... from me." I get up on my own a grunt escaping my lips when I feel pain in my knees.
-"Your knees!" He crouches down to look at them up close.
-"Oh don't act as if you care." I look down and see he has wet hair, which is reasonable since he came out of the bathroom.
*Swoop* He scoops me up, my injured knees on his left and my head rests on his right shoulder. I hitch as he picks me up.
-"What do you think you're doing? Put me down this instant!"
I try to wiggle out of his arms, but it's useless, he holds me tighter to his chest.
He gently places me on the bed, and I sit on the edge, I instantly throw my hand to his face intending to slap him.
As if it were muscle memory he blocks my hand and gently holds it. He crouches down not breaking eye contact.
-"Stella, I'm... sorry. I acted out on you."
I know Jacob, and that probably was hard for him to admit.
-"Let me treat your knees." He places a gentle hand over my wound.
Her Dad was murdered fighting for what was right, her mom didn't love her dad all that much...or her, she plans to follow her dad's footsteps even though that might lead her to death. Her parents had a planed marriage, her mom was more on the medium class while her dad was lower, that said, he needed money to help some important people and ended up marrying a women he didn't love.
She has an awful opinion of men. She loved her dad, but she was still mad at him, for his decisions.
A little something might happen in her life to change that perspective.