It's his seventh year at Hogwarts. His final year to prove to his teachers that he can be what his father never could be, an Auror. But, something comes between his dream. A boy. But not just any boy, his best friend. They've spent seven years together at the same school. Shared pointless crushes. Shared sad beginnings and happy endings. Scorpius Malfoy realizes that he sees his best friend, Albus Potter in a whole new light. How will he be able to cope with his feelings and his dreams of becoming an Auror. Does he want to impress his father? Or does he have someone else in mind to impress?
Note: All characters belong to author J.K. Rowling. This is fanfiction and I, in no way, intend to steal these characters and make them my own. The idea, however, is mine. I would definitely appreciate it if you would respect that and not steal the idea and storyline. Thanks in advance! Hope you enjoy the story! I'll let you read now...