28 chapitres Terminé Why he doesn't like me I don't know, I was popular, beautiful. fun to be around and he was just some boring nerd, but a very hot nerd.
I have taken this challenge as my help and service to the community to turn hot,nerdy harry to fun harry even though it was only to make him like me
But you still drive like a sissy"
"Like you could drive faster"
"I sure can"
"Are you challenging me"
"What if I am"
"Then you are dumber than you look"
"You just can't beat me"
"Now you are on, although I don't race ladies, but to you I would give an exception "
"Thanks olmighty harry, you just signed your death warrant"
"As if"
Honoria Audrey Davies, was a very beautiful brunette and she knew it, tossed in a new school at the beginning of her last year in high school, she decide to become the most popular girl in the school, before the end of the year, that was till ever obnoxious harry came in"