-MATURE Rating: Mild violence, some occasional language, and probable sex. Nearly half a century ago, the beasts of the night realm surfaced. They killed everything in their path, and would not spare anyone. The legend tells it, that a mage slaughtered them all, with little help from outside forces. The mage is mysterious to all, and no one is certain of his origin, though his name is said to be Althalos. The mage pushed the beasts back into their home, and bound them all for eternity. Now, the beasts of the realm are coming back, and more are surfacing than before. They are said to be led by an Elf, who turned to the dark side for assistance, binding himself to the dark gods. Some have even claimed that the Elf was given power by Azel* herself. What will happen when a young man with odd gifts, comes across a home deep in the woods while trying to outrun one of these beasts? This young man has thrown what could have been a good life away, to try and save others from what they cannot see. Most are too blind, or too scared to admit that evil still lurks around them, waiting to swallow them all. **Azel is the Goddess of Chaos and Death. (I hate this title, so please don't look at it for more than 10 seconds... save yourselves)Tous Droits Réservés
1 chapitre