So, the other day (As of 9-21-16), it was my friend's birthday. His YouTube name is DJFireant789Plus. I had a whole Powerpoint presentation and crap for his b-day, BUT Microsoft screwed my account and it has the wrong code-verification email set on it, and I can't change it. I had a whole mini-story and stuff, so I decided since Wattpad doesn't screw me over (Wtf, Microsoft :-P), I would remake the story onto Wattpad.
If you're reading this, bro, Happy late Birthday (Screw you, Microsoft, like seriously).
I've managed to find the Powerpoint file, but I can't save it, so here's the story I wrote.
There will be some words in parenthesis and a teddy bear face's just referencing things me and DJ have done together and with our friends.