Y/n the a/n is in a new village were she meets all her new friends. She wears a mask to cover her eyes. Which no one actually seen her without her mask. She has powers to mind control and teleport. Y/n is from the past but re-born in the future. One day, her power goes out of control and she faints. Sliver is the one that save her. Sliver took off her mask and automatically fall for her. Falling for her looks ,eh? They hangout a lot and Y/n feeling for Sliver develop. Then, Sonic and with his big mouth tell her that Sliver loves her. It became awkward between them. But she had the courage to tell him her feelings. Sliver POV I look at the girl in my arm. Thinking why she wearing a mask. I also wonder what her face looks like without it. I use my telekinesis to slowly take off the mask. I blushed at the fact that she was beautiful... Her nose twitch. I stopped walking and stare at her. Her soft lips. I want to kiss her. I lean in but stopped at a voice..... Her voice. Enjoy! Mono~Chan out! {=^•*•^=}All Rights Reserved