A story where a girl called Tracy Whal finds herself at yet another new school, thanks to her disruptive troublemaker sister Mia. Tracy had always made sure to be the model pupil for her parents, not that they ever noticed or cared anyway. But at this new school, she meets a boy. A boy called Brin . And Brin introduces Tracy to a group of people she never would have thought to even talk to otherwise. And at first, it is all great. But then the Crew start telling Tracy that she has to do what they want. Or things will happen. And so suddenly Tracy ends up stuck in the charms of alcohol, swearing and most of all cigarettes. But Tracy doesn't want this. All she wanted was the popularity, not the things that tag along with it. Tracy is caught in a cycle of horror. But is it normal to hear such negative depressed voices in your head when you smoke? A roller coaster ride of peer pressure, cigarettes and maybe a little romance is about to begin. No serious cussing included. Everything is a work of fiction.