My cat, Rumtum tugger was the best, most loyal, caring and cuddly cat you could ever ask for. He was with me from the age of 5 to my twelfth year, on september 22d, 2016. He was the beam of sunlight in this grey world. just mentioning him could make me smile, he would hug, kiss, head but me and much more. once, when i was about six or seven he crawled into the empty washer and he would crawl around like it was field day. he was always clawing at my door to get into my room, and into my heart in the process. He was the most important thing in my life, and I can't believe he's gone. he had a heart-attack at 4am and was gone by 5:30. He was there for the first day of 1t, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th grade, he was there when i was crying and laughing. he deserved to live way longer than he did, he should've lived older than anyone because he's better than any human I've ever met before. he was cuddly, smart, kind, caring, compassionate, art and he was just perfect. he was a cream at with orange markings.Todos los derechos reservados
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