"Mann Kaur, a 100-year-old Indian woman just won the gold medal at American Masters Games."
Mann Kaur is a 100-year-old Indian runner, who hails from Chandigarh. In the American master Games recently organized in Vancouver, Canada, she has won countless hearts by winning the gold medal in the race for older athletes.
Mann took almost a minute and a half to finish a 100-meter dash, while men and women in the 70s and 80s stood and watched - Mann was the only female competitor in her age category.
She is definitely an inspiration to all of us. She is a perfect example of the quote "Age is not a barrier to success."
All of us dream to become successful like Mann Kaur.
How do we become like her? What internal characteristics we need to possess and what external factors need to be present in our lives? How do we build on our personal strengths to overcome the challenges we face?
Here is a book that can give to solutions to the above and also to all the questions within you. The book is VERTICAL LIVING. The book talks about strategies to become successful. The book is authored by Vidyangi Patil.