Blanca Castle A renowned model, and Star model of her father's magazine "PM" (PINK MAGAZINE), she lives the perfect celebrity life though with problems but with a supportive boyfriend and a loyal Right-hand girl, she always resolves them.
But what will happen to Blanca when her boyfriend Mark Miles aka "MM GUY" breaks up with her and confesses his newly found love for her Right-hand girl Sophia Parker.
I will tell you what happened she felt heartbroken and worthless this affects her lifestyle and she resolved to stay in doors to avoid the endless gossips from the press, who struggles to get the front row at her doorstep.
Worried about her daughter,Mrs Marian Castle A social psychologist and famous for her relationship advice decides to play her fairygod mother role and use her magic wand on her daughter to help her during their mother-daughter bonding, to move on and shine a little brighter than before.
Follow A mother-daughter bond that did not just strengthen their relationship but heals a broken heart.
"Every girl deserves her "happily ever after" , so by the girl power vested in me I now pronounce you happy as you can ever be." - Mrs Marian Castle.
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