FIRST PLACE WINNER IN THE FANTASY CATEGORY OF THE AUTHORS AWARDS 2017. Moving away to University is a breath of fresh air for Amity, after losing her brother in a way she never thought possible. The lights of the city awaken something in her that has been dull for a very long time, the buzz of people and the exuberance of life easing the heavy weight of darkness she has been feeling since that night. Little does she know, is that the darkness surrounding her is much more sinister than grief, and no amount of running will free her from what is hiding within... In this world, Crimson is all they see. Crimson is all they want. And the craving will consume you. *** "V-vampire?" A monotonous laugh rattled deep in his chest. "You have it all wrong Amity..." © ellzx13 24/09/16 24/01/2022