-- IF YOU LOVE BOYXBOY SHIPS FROM THE SDMN, WELCOME. FOR THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU. -- Hi again, it's me! And I'm back with something that is somewhat unusual and different from what I normally write about. Basically this is about my take on questionably and low key gay moments the Sidemen have with one another and then I formulate little theories about them ships. I will be mostly doing my fav ships - Zerkstar & Ksimon. However, if you want me to cover a particular moment of your fav ship, I would be happy to! Just drop me a pm or leave it in the comments section below. Please leave me a brief description of the moment (a screen shot, if have) and a video title/link so that I can dissect the scene for myself for proper analysis. :) Also, I would like to clarify now that this story will NEVER be factual until it is made official by the Sidemen themselves, this is just a fun thing to do and share little delusional fangirl stuff. There is no intentions whatsoever to slander the Sidemen (or/and their sexuality) as the following posts will ALL be just theories (as the title even states). A kind reminder to keep this WITHIN the fandom, as JJ says, "Keep it in your dreams." I'm sure we don't want them to be freaked out or disturbed so just don't go around chatting shit when you know this is just a theory. Alrighty, enough of the serious talk. Let's get riiiiiight into the theories and hope you enjoy!All Rights Reserved