Hello, and welcome to "Story of the Day". You may be wondering to yourself "What is story of the day?". To that I say good on you for having a curious mind. It's always good to question the things in your life, or else you might end up in the endless void of meaningless and darkness and sadness and loneliness. Oh! The burning loneliness ........
Anyway, to answer your question "Story of the Day" is a little game I started to force me to write more. The premise of the game is that I write a short little story based on a word, and you as the audience have to try to figure out what that word is. What's that? You don't want to play my "silly" game? Well okay....I guess that's fine. I would like it if you did though, and if you REALLY don't want to play you can just read the story and leave. Fair enough? Good! Well that takes care of a description for this. I'm gonna go write some more now. See you guys soon. Bye!