"What's going on, Dick?"
"It's Nightwing, tonight, Valkyrie." The man smiled. He was dressed in his full costume, masked and ready for action. Behind him stood Beast Boy, Blue Beatle and Starfire, also dressed for combat.
"You are going to fly tonight. Not just flap your wings and hover like you do inside the Manor, but actually fly." Dick was grinning from ear to ear, but Valerie just eyed him suspiciously.
"My dad has no idea, does he?"
"He's at the Watchtower with the League, so...no. He has no idea." The heroes gathered on the roof shared nervous looks, but the half-Valkyrie just grinned back at her brother.
"So what are they doing here?" She asked, gesturing toward the three Titans.
"We're here to help you, Angel." Beast Boy winked, and Blue Beatle shoved him so hard that he almost stumbled off the roof.
"Why, if I picked a day to fly, this would be it."
-The Hunchback of Norte Dame
Based several years after the events of the 2016 movie: Justice League vs Teen Titans.