Continuing where Part Two left off, the Adventure continues as the crew splits up and travels across the globe in search of the villainous Easter and his henchmen. Meanwhile, the young students of Salem prepare to spend a year as exchange students at the ancient and famed Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Join Shade, Echo, Star, Rain Fox, and the others as they discover love, loss, tragedy, triumph, and the truth about themselves in the thirt part of the Junior Phoenixes saga. Meet new characters, get reacquainted with previous ones, and revisit the famed and fabled Hogwarts School once again in this riveting tale of magic and excitement!
A story that is rarely told is the story of fourteen students, who all attended Hogwarts School of Witchcarft and Wizardry at the same time as the infamous Harry Potter. For years they built up friendships and trust in one another, standing together through thick and thin. They laugh, cry and fight. Until one day fate overtake them and they can do nothing but follow.
"We've been together all this time, what could possibly hinder us from staying together this time?"
"A war."
"It's only rumours."
"It's reality, and we can't all stay together through it. You know that as well as I do."
Started: Nov 13, 2023
Ended: Sep 09, 2024