This is a set of stories revolving around the roles in the game "A Heist Gone Wrong." This is the description of the game that is in the help section of the game(used with the permission of the developer of the game, Lasmelan): "A Heist Gone Wrong is a multiplayer game of deception. A bank robbery has failed and all the people have mixed up with each other. Innocent players try to find and arrest the Bank Robbers while Bank Robbers try to get away without consequences. At the start of the round the players are randomly assigned roles. There might not be any Bank Robbers in a round. During the night all of the players who have night actions get to preform them. Upon the day players discuss the information they have with each other. Afterwards they vote for who they think is a robber. If no players are Bank Robbers in the round, the players have to not arrest anyone (except the Attorney). If there is a tie in the vote vote (and there are enough votes for each one of them), both of them are arrested." Four to five players play each round. The link to the game is and the discord channel with the game is I personally enjoy this game, which is why I am creating stories about it. Plus I get kinda sad when there aren't enough people available who want to play a game. The stories in the book are all related and give life to these characters in a way.All Rights Reserved