You're actually not a person. You're a constellation. All that aside,you're bored of being in the sky all night and day. Aries and Taurus,Gemini,Capricorn,Cassiopeia,you're bored of everything. You're done. Your friend,Libra (My Zodiac lel) helps you come to a planet.
OuterTale Sans gazes at the stars,then a shooting star blazes across the night sky. He shrugs. "Worth a shot" he wishes on that shooting star,and his wish comes true. Will you fall in love with this star loving Sans? Or will you soon get bored with that life too?
I'm back for another zodiac fun!
This is where my zodiac obsession goes overboard. I will explain everything from A to Z and have some fun with random posts.
Tumblr will be my friend and help me out whilst I create my own posts.
This is Anna's guide to astrology!