Once upon a time, there lived a girl who was Completely Ordinary, thanks very much.
Then she walked in on her mother's dead body.
Ordinary just flew right out the window.
[And I'm telling you right now, there will be no romance.]
Once upon a time in a little town long forgotten there lived twin girls different in every way except appearance. They had two loving parents, a slightly maniac grandfather, and a village full of hateful people. The dream home every little girl wishes for.
But that is only the beginning of the story.
After witnessing their parents deaths the girls are forced to live with their murders for 13 years and endure suspicion and hatred but everything changes when one of the twins starts to hear a call from the sea. They are suddenly thrust into a new life under the sea but this is no fairytale. Forced to adapt to new environments and apart for the first time in their lives both girls have to learn who they are beneath their scales and broken hearts.