when your mother used to compete and won all the international and national competition in gymnastics, you'd love to follow her step but the training is hard and exhausting. that's what Chelsea and Charles, the twins think when their gymnast parents, Scotty and Kelly made them go through hours and hours of gymnast practice. Sometimes, Grandpa Pete would do the training with them, but they would have little fun with their grandpa rather than with their mother, whose constantly watching them like a damn hawk.
What happen to Chelsea when she meet with her mother's old competitor, Megan's daughter, Scarlett at the Australian Invitational Gymnastic Competition? What happen to the twins of the international gymnasts handle the pressure of studying, competition and addition pressure from someone special to them? Will their parents and grandpa understands whatever they're going through or they'd just live their lives in such pain?
E L James owns almost all the Characters in this story. Love the FSOG characters and I enjoy using them in homage to E L James and her amazing stories using these characters,
Anastasia Rose Steele and Katherine Agnes Kavanagh seemed to like to compete against each other in everything including landing boyfriends. They had the looks and the money to attract the kind of boys their parents approved and disapproved of. Raymond and Carla hated that the girls were so competitive in everything. Up until now it wasn't a huge issue. It started when Eamon and Enid Kavanagh had a little race to see which of the girls walked first and bet on it. That was when they were toddling. They were born two weeks apart from each other and had dr Grey as their pediatrician. Enid and Carla met each other at one of the well baby appointments and hit it off. They enjoyed the same socio economic group and knew a lot of the same people. Other than being very competitive with one another they got along very well.
Dr Grace Grey had a baby daughter the same age as Kate Kavanagh and Ana Steele. So Mia Grey became close friends with the other girls. Mia had two older brothers Elliott 8 and Christian 6. Mia was a month younger than Kate and Ana was two weeks older than Mia. All were able to start school at the same time. Their parents all enrolled them in the same academy. Seattle Progressive Academic Arts grades K -8. Now everything would have been fine except others had heard of how competitive Kate and Ana were tested just how far they would go to win against each other. But the competition started growing and drew others into it. Of course not all the competitive games were known by their parents or the parents of the other parents.