"Honey, you're not just my sun all over my world bathing it in your light. I never told you."
"But you're the moon and all my stars too."
I need you, you complete me. You make me feel things I've never thought before. And you make me hope, and believe I'm things. Because, first, I accidentally ended up believing in you."
"My sweet, favourite, wonderful chump. How could I ever have lived without you? I'm telling you now - I don't think I ever will."
"I'll never leave you, so you'll never have to either. You're the one who deserves everything in life. I already have anything I could ever want... I have you."
So I hope you'll just hold me. Always. Because I'll be with you always too. All I ask, is that - just for now even - that you hold me close, as though your life depends on it. Because I know one thing - mine does.