A Rose By Any Other Name | Anthony Bridgerton
7 parts Ongoing We all know the great lengths a lady will go in pursuit of a proposal. And apparently, she will travel great distances too. Lord Anthony Bridgerton appears to be inching ever so closer to selecting his viscountess and to that end has invited our diamond to join him for an excursion at his ancestral home, Aubrey Hall. Country air indeed clears the mind and invigorates the body. Might this be the final gust that pushes the viscount over the precipice of a proposal? Of course, the luckless souls remaining in town will have to find new diversions in the absence of their most precious of stones.
Not among such souls is that of one Miss Rose Xenakis. Dearest reader, this author finds herself compelled to draw your attention to the newest jewel added to the Bridgerton collection. However, remember that one must not be fooled by imitation gems gilded in false gold and mystery. Under that paper-thin shimmer, it remains a fragile facade. Unlike true diamonds, glass ones are easily broken; even the slightest bit of pressure can crush them to insignificance.