Summer was a normal 15 year-old girl. She did what most teenagers do, looked at boys, went to parties, hung out with friends, etc. She was 5'2 and weighed 98 pounds, not very big for a high school girl. Her parents were pretty much never home and when they were, they ALWAYS argued. Besides that, her life was pretty normal until she met him. She falls for him and he was an amazing person at first until he becomes her worst nightmare, she thought she knew him but soon realizes he isn't who she thought he was. Can she escape this nightmare? Or is she stuck. Please do not copyright, I worked very hard to write this story, THANKS!!!! Please read and drop comments to let me your supporting this story and drop comments letting me know how you think the book could be better, I will read all of them and maybe take consideration on your ideas :) Thanks :pAll Rights Reserved