When 17 year old Victoria Stewart goes missing her family searches everywhere. Everywhere...but the basement next door. Meanwhile Victoria struggles knowing that her family is right outside the cement walls she is being kept in. She also struggles with keeping her self alive. "The knocks on the door began, and the door began shacking from the vibrating of the man on the other sides fists. Then everything stopped. "Oh Queen Victoria do come out and play." He sneered in a low blood curling song like tune. "Come before your loved one is taken away." I remember feeling the vomit in my throat. The effect of the alcohol on my brain completely gone, and the feeling of walking on clouds was replaced by this horror I had never felt before. I ran to the nearest phone on the small coffee table and remember seeing the phone wires cut. Next I heard a scream from the other side of the door. I knew that high pitched scream. It was my sisters. "Queen Victoria, come out and play with me and your sister, before she is taken away." He kept singing in the same sinister voice. I knew what I had to do. " [@wicked78] 2014 All Rights Reserved No part of this written work or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied,modified, or adapted, without the prior written consent of the author.