Getting illegally tranfered from Ireland to America, join a boy who is lost in a world he was unfamiliar with, a boy who gets plucked off the street by a mysterious man and his crew, the owner and staff of the LA famous "Golden Wings" restaurant.
Becoming one with the staff there, as well as finding his first family, he discovers the true intention of the group and the restaurant on its own.
Together, they face the many troubles on their way to stop the "Dog Fights", an illegal experimental and fighting organization, its head quarters held right there in the city of Los Angeles. Facing violent fighting, kidnapping, abduction, abuse, romance and much more, the crew does whatever it takes to rescue "Dog Fights"'s prisoners and to take down the HQ itself.
Join in on this adventure as the boy learns more and more about the world he was hidden from all his life and the hopeful take down of the illegal organization that ran his life.
*WARNING: This story contains blood, violence, limb loss and much more.*Todos los derechos reservados