Teenagers make silly mistakes, they don't think straight sometimes and they take risks without thinking. As ordinary as they are, they make a bittersweet and unique love story. A unique love story wrapped into one you hear many times, first love.
As simple as it might sound, first love isn't just a story about two people falling in love. This story includes all their hardships and even the other people who were involved. Min Yoongi and Lee Dahye are almost opposites. Dahye is a diligent, hard-working girl who is always cheerful and happy. Min Yoongi is a laid-back boy who loves to play video games and fool around with his friends. Kim Taehyung is your typical pretty-boy, and Park Yerin is a princess with secrets.
All four of these mysterious teenagers are wrapped up in this story, a story of betrayal, misunderstandings, secrets, friendships, pain, and most of all-- love.
A simple cute college love story which folds in a type of beautiful comforts and discomforts.
love and maturity.
"her one screeching 'hii' can make my day,if i have a hard time or a bad day,she's the first person to notice it and spell some calming words and put me at ease,the duality in her attitude is what makes me surprised. i have grown into a confident,friendly man to everyone because of her support,i just hope to cherish this bond forever."
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