Rosaline Maige Art's life was rather dull; she woke up to early every morning to be at the diner she worked at from five to five almost everyday of the week then she would go the country every sunday to visit her grandmother afterwords she'd go right back to the city to wash,rinse and repeat what quickly became her weekly routine with the same customers everyday at the same time ordering the same thing at the same table.... Until one day she found herself taking the order of a man that seemed to have made himself inaccessible to most of those around him from the prying eyes of the elderly to those of the young women who often found their attention completely captivated by him. although his presents wholly gave a sense that he prefers to be over looked but you see that is not something easily done by most from the way his blue eye's shone like the stars in the night, how his full pink lips could make the simplest cup of coffee look so damn seductive and how his red and wild hair was enough to make any preteen girl or boy within a ten mile vicinity of the man swoon. I mean he had it alright but he didn't have to flaunt it to make every damn man woman and child in that diner fall for his rugged dream boat next door looks (myself included).All Rights Reserved