"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light." Phil has always felt out of place and decides to start Protea Nasturtium, a boarding school that is far away from his northern town of York. Protea Nasturtium is one of the twelve boarding schools that the history books say that Phil would fit into. The reason? Phil is an controller of time. He is what his people would call a fixer, but what normal people would call deluded. He is descended from the ancestry - twelve children to one powerful king who had each inherited a bit of his powers. The history books say that there are schools out there. One in each country where the mystical king had power over of. One of them is Protea Nasturtium; the school set up by the Kings middle daughter Iveia - Master of Nature. The history books also say that you should never meet one of the kin of the ancestry - one of what they call the "others" but what happens if you are drawn to them with a magnetic force that even you can't reverse. Phil finds himself drawn to Dan, Daniel Howell. One of the "Others" Phil finds himself chasing this mysterious brown haired boy until he finds that it is too late to rewind the clock back, and that light is only attracted to darkness.All Rights Reserved