"If you want to get close to him...then you're going to have to change."
Sebastian Michaelis is by far the most popular student at his highschool, and Ciel... well...is the exact opposite.
The truth of the matter is that Ciel has always had a bit of a crush on Sebastian, but there's no way that the two of them could ever talk with their given social statuses.
At least, not without one of them changing.
And we all know that's not going to be Sebastian, so yeah.
...Basically just watch Ciel be tall while seducing the frick out of Sebastian.
Also, be prepared for:
Yangire Sebastian
Dandere Ciel
And Tsunshun Alois
Modern Sebaciel
In which Ciel is hopelessly in love with Man Whore Sebastian Michaelis. His brother Alois always tries to help him get his mind off the boy but never succeeds. And he probably never will especially when Ciel is Sebastian's new toy.