Set in dystopian Sorius (post Meta War/A.W. 005) Moph, To'or, and what's left of the Vosail Tribe attempt to restore order to a world lost in perpetual discord due to miss interpreted transmissions, civil war amongst two tribes of the same ancestry, and self-righteous pointing fingers eagerly awaiting a scapegoat.. Sorius 2.0 is the 4th installment of a five part novel series. Known as "Sorius: The Old World", the first three installments of the saga take place in Sorius before the Meta War, a war fought with technology, propaganda, and fear, and before the overclocking of technology. Paranoia, perpetuity, and disarray walk the war scorched planet now. Many structures, villages, and history were destroyed in the process of the Meta War, yet two things remained; technology and the conditioned veils. Moph is now our leading protagonist, To'or is staggered, and the Vosail village has been desecrated..All Rights Reserved
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