87 parts Ongoing In the distant galaxy of Monuria, a mystical Gem of Life holds the power to control all life, planets, galaxies, and the universe itself. This gem is the source of creation and existence, and its shattering would plunge everything into a bleak oblivion of nothingness. The fate of all life hangs in the balance.
The Prinzeps of the God Vales, an ancient and powerful order, are the sworn guardians of the Gem. Each member of this elite group is charged with protecting one of the four corners of Monuria, ensuring that the gem remains safe from those who would seek to destroy it. However, an ominous force stirs in the shadows, driven by an insatiable desire to shatter the Gem and bring about the end of all things.
As the Prinzeps prepare for the inevitable confrontation, they must uncover the identity of this mysterious enemy and face the growing threat with all the strength and wisdom their order can muster. The fate of the universe lies in their hands, and failure is not an option. The battle to protect the Gem of Life will determine the future of existence itself.