In the city of Paris, a young teenage superheroine named Ladybug protects the city from Hawk Moth and his akumas, the supervillain with the ability to control people of his choice with purple butterflies that transform victims expressing negative emotions into villains. But, the heroine is also Marinette Dupain-Cheng, a student and designer with no experience with romantic love.
Her world shifts when she is assigned a new partner, Chat Noir, but what she doesn't know is that he's also Adrien Agreste, the famous Parisian model and new transfer student that she can't help but crush on.
Meanwhile, Chat just can't get his mind off of his fellow ladybug-patterned Miraculous holder...
Their fate will be determined when sparks clash and hearts are healed, or broken...and complicated love squares created.
Perhaps, with a dash of cups of coffee with milk.
→ Third ever Miraculous fanfiction
→ Basically a rewritten version of the creation of the love square, except with me, the author's, ideas ;)
→ Lots and lots of fluff!
→ Will be using French vocabulary at times, for specific phrases and words.
→ Written in third-person point-of-view.
→ Will be based off of Season 1 and the Christmas special.