He reached out, brushing my hair away and I flinched at the feeling of his warm skin. My heart was beating, my head was spinning, and I was scared.
He didn't say anything; he didn't t need to. I loved him, I was leaving the guy I fell in love with in freshmen year and now I'm leaving him; just gone.
His gray eyes made my heart beat fast, made my throat feel tight, and make my body feel all hot. He knew what he was doing to me, so why stop him? I still loved him, he still loved me, or maybe he didn't. Not after this.
"You're leaving?"
His voice didn't sound soft; it sounded cold and sharp, it cut me like a blade. His tone was harsh and I looked down, away from him. Away from his burning eyes, away from his broken face.
"Yeah." My voice sounded off; sounded different and I knew why. My voice sounded like I have been crying and I have, begging him to understand why was I leaving, leaving for a reason.
"New York." And he nodded; he didn't say anything. I swallow down more of my tears as he walked towards my door, I notice the way his arm shook and the way he stood when he was about to open my door.
He looked broken; weak and in pure pain. I noticed the silent tears ran down my now warm cheeks and I wiped them away. I sniffle as he paused at my door.
"I hope you're happy, Nathan." And he walked out my room. Not even saying goodbye.