Millie live in the beautiful countryside of a small town in Australia.
She LOVEd it there, the views, the wilderness, the friendships that blossomed, everything.
It was like a land from a dream, and the bat thing was, it was her fantasy land.
Her and her friends would ride the mountain tops, explore the caves and swim in the rivers. Life couldn't be any better.
Millie never wanted anything to EVER change.
But it did. When her father got a job in the city.
Millie had to say goodbye, which is NEVER easy.
That one bible study, that changed everything!
Join Millie in her quest to uncover the true meaning of life.
Destinata a venir uccisa dopo le nozze dal marito e l'amante di lui, Dominique divorzia dal proprio fiancé e si risposa velocemente con il cattivo secondario della storia. Trasferitasi al di fuori del regno per vivere serena con il suo "avventuriere" marito, Dominique scopre velocemente di aver appena causato una grossa crisi politica, il motivo? Ha appena sposato un Imperatore molto vendicativo e possessivo... -Stesso universo di Game of War