Wow i can't believe our little Rosie is returning for her forth year at hogwarts! Ron said staring down at his little girl ! Shut up dad , I got to go , goodbye u guys I love u , I said to my mom and dad picking up my trunk and boarding the train , I love u guys , I scream as the train takes off ! God I'm going to miss them ! I search for a seat but every where seems to be full , i saw my cousin enter one of the departments , maybe he will let me sit with him ! "Hey alb , mind if I sit here ?" Sure her replies , but then the department door opens once more and a golden hair paled muscular boy walks in , it was malfoy , Scorpios Malfoy ! I had to leave , my father would kill me if he finds out I'm talking to a malfoy , but who cares about father , right now the only thing I got my eye on is that beautiful golden haired young adult about to sit next to me