AU. The Marvel Academy is a school with 2 programs, normal classes for their students and abilities development, the courses adjust to the student. Mostly centers around Wanda Maximoff and Jean Grey. The director of the school in Nicholas Fury and the Academic Director (also owner of the place) is Charles Xavier The Academy accepts all kinds of students that fill the profile. The teams that will appear are: -The Avengers -The X-men -Guardians -Fantastic Four and other super heroes:P and villains!! :O Mainly MCU but I'll take some stuff out of the comics and cartoons xD Ships!... -Canon but a lot of noncanon dating... yes I'm sorry but... #notsorry *Pepperony *BrucexNat *ScarletVision *ReedxSue *NatashaxT'Challa *JeanxScott (Logan) *ScottLangxHope *Staron *MattxElektra *StephenStrangexChristinePalmer *NatashaxMatt *TonyxHalfoftheSchool *ThorxJane *JohnyStormxLotsofClassmates *PeterQuillxGamora *WandaxLoki *PeterParkerxGwen and then Mary JaneAll Rights Reserved