The Sakamaki and Mukami's where living together in the mansion along with their daughters their mothers passed away when they where all born . Their mothers where very special they where Noun-human beings so the children where half vampire and half of them . Also the girls sometimes can be little devils when it comes to pranking or even scaring their dads . But soon when their dads where summoned by there father and little did they know that it was a scam caused by Richer . He sunk into the mansion with some people and kidnapped them and put them into one big wooden crate . But when they where about to leave there fathers saw Richer . When that happened Richer told them to go and the kidnappers drove away with their kids when the truck took off they ran after it . Subaru jumped on and untied on of the ropes but got shot in the arm making him fall off . Once the truck was in the woods the car turned making the wooden crate fall in to the river heading for a mansion in the woods . The mistress of the mansion was on a walk in the woods with her servant but soon she heard a cry and found a big wooden crate on the side of the river when she opened it she and her servant found 10 little children in it . When that happend she decided to take them to her mansion where she lived and raised them as her own children . When they got older their adoptive mother told them that they where going to have gests but what they didn't know was that it was the Sakamaki brothers and Mukami brothers that where coming for a visit along with Karlhinze himself . How will they react when they see their children after all of these years ...............All Rights Reserved