This is a prequel for the fanfic wannabe 4th season of CW The Flash series and it focuses on its main character 'Reverse-Flash'(Eobard Thawne's successor) known as Snow Ron Raymond. Yes. Caitlin's and Ronnie's son. And yeah, in this story, they're back(well in the fanfic 4th wannabe season better said)
Snow Ron Raymond could be played by Simon Woods.
Spoiler: This Reverse-Flash was the one who worked with 'Harrison Wells' to fool Flash and his team.
So, no Speed Mirage, no Time Remnant of Eobard Thawne, and certainly no hologram.
Savitar Wage will be in the prequel, but not really a main enemy of the Flash but rather that of Reverse-Flash. So get ready to see in this story
Savitar Wage could be scheduled for a 5th season.
Right now this (huge!) story focuses on Snow Ron Raymond. And yes he will go back in time meet Barry Allen, and his parents.
There will also be a Battle of The Flashes(Barry Allen and Jay Garrick) and Reverses(Snow Ron Raymond and Eobard Thawne{Time Remnant}) in this great story, soon...
Note: I know that in the cover you'll find actually Hunter Zolomon(c-books) but I chose him because he looks a lot like Caitlin and Ronnie.