HEY, YOU PEOPLE A CONTEST! OKAY SO LET'S GET INTO IT SHALL WE? (idk if anybody has ever done this kind of contest before...don't kill me if it already exists pls)
So, you like to write huh? This is a contest for fun and it can be a one paragraph thing for all I care :)
Basically what you'll be doing is writing within some categories and you can get as wild, funny, random, serious, lazy as you want as long as it follows these simple rules:
No plagiarism, this will result in a permanent ban from the current round and future rounds. Any entries you link to me will not count.
No harassment of other participants, you will face temporary suspension for 7 rounds, including the current round. Any entries you link to me during the suspension will not count.
No whining if you didn't win the round, the punishment for this won't be as severe as the other two but remember if you didn't win it doesn't mean I didn't like the entry. Remember you can always participate in other rounds! If you continue whining that you didn't win the round you will face suspension from 2 rounds. Any entries linked to me during the suspension will not count.
What I will allow you to do:
- Work with a partner, sometimes working with somebody gives you better ideas
- Give constructive criticism, what the writer can do to improve their writing
- If you'd like to make it with a "mature" theme you can
- If it's a fandom round I will allow you to have ANY fandom, ANY ship (if it's a shipping round). You're welcome fangirls and fanboys.
- You can make a story with your own character (fandom or original) if you have one If you do not have your own character I will allow you to use one or more of mine. I'll give you a reference sheet if you'd like, don't be afraid to ask me :)
Nina García siempre ha soñado con volar. Después de años de esfuerzo y dedicación, logra graduarse como piloto y convertirse en primera oficial en una de las mejores aerolíneas de su país. Sin embargo, su sueño se convierte en pesadilla cuando conoce a la Capitán Alex, una mujer exigente y autoritaria que la pone a prueba desde el primer momento.
La tensión entre ellas es palpable, y su relación se vuelve cada vez más complicada. Alex ve a Nina como una piloto inexperta y demasiado joven, mientras que Nina considera a Alex una tirana que no sabe valorar el talento de sus colegas.
A medida que trabajan juntas, sus diferencias personales y profesionales se intensifican, pero también comienzan a surgir sentimientos que ninguna de las dos puede ignorar. Sin embargo, su relación está condenada desde el principio: las familias de ambas mujeres se oponen firmemente a la relación, y la política de la aerolínea prohíbe las relaciones entre colegas.
¿Podrán Nina y Alex superar sus diferencias y encontrar el amor en el cielo, o será su relación un accidente inevitable?