Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there lived a noble named Jung-Ho-Seok. He was known to the world as 'J-Hope'-a fitting moniker, as he represented hope for men in their late twenties, promising them the possibility of retaining their youthful appearance well into their thirties. Despite being in his late thirties himself, J-Hope had a charm and energy that made him appear as though he were still in his early twenties.
J-Hope's life took an unexpected turn when he became a father to a young boy named Jeon Jungkook. Originally, Jungkook was meant to carry his father's name, Seok Jungkook. However, preferring to honor his late mother's memory, he chose to be called Jeon Jungkook instead, adopting her last name. Sadly, Jungkook's mother had left the world when he was just ten years old, leaving him and his father alone to navigate life together.
J-Hope, burdened by the weight of responsibility, gradually became consumed by his work, dedicating himself fully to his professional commitments. As a result, he was seldom present at home, leaving Jungkook to grow up in solitude without the warmth of love. Over time, the young boy forgot what it felt like to experience affection or the comforting embrace of a loved one.
as Park Jimin enters their lives, a complex dance unfolds, challenging J-Hope's responsibilities and Jungkook's emotions. Jimin becomes a catalyst for both turmoil and self-discovery.